The Toronto Police Association (TPA) represents almost 8,000 uniform and civilian members of the Toronto Police Service. We are a professional organization dedicated to advancing the interests of our members through education, political action and advocacy.

The fundamental purpose of the TPA is to promote and advance the health, safety and well-being of the membership with emphasis on preserving and protecting our members' collective bargaining rights. Our priority is the well-being of our members and the community we serve. Our members do an extraordinary job of keeping Toronto one of North America's safest cities.

We support our members by helping to improve their working conditions in several ways

  • We campaign on behalf of our members for improved working conditions
  • We represent our members in negotiation with our employer, the Toronto Police Services Board
  • We make sure our members are fairly treated and adequately compensated
  • We provide a wide range of benefits to our members, including legal representation and advice

The TPA operates in an open, ethical and professional manner. We are governed by a board of nine serving uniform and civilian police members elected by the membership. In addition to constitutional duties, the board is actively involved in priority setting, strategic planning, policy development, financial oversight and political engagement. The TPA has a strong commitment to public safety, focusing on the responsible use of our city's taxpayers' dollars. We bargain and negotiate with our employer in good faith to improve working conditions and ensure that our members are adequately compensated. This approach is fair to our members and the community and ensures that we recruit and retain the finest police officers and civilian support staff.

An equally important role for the TPA is to advocate on issues that matter to the police and community. We give a voice to those who would otherwise not be heard by our political leadership. We advocate at all levels of government, expressing support or opposition to issues that matter most to our members, the policing community and Toronto's citizens. We are active in the community and support many charitable causes and local and national events.

We encourage all Torontonians and our government's leadership to support our members. Collectively, we have a responsibility to provide safe communities to the citizens of Toronto. We encourage you to learn more about the Toronto Police Association on our website. We are confident that you will leave with a better understanding of our role and the value municipal policing brings to public safety.