The following is the privacy policy for the web site. In this policy, the Toronto Police Association (also referred to as “TPA” within this document) describe what personal information we collect on our site, how we use it, and your options regarding information we may collect about you. If you have questions about this policy, please feel free to contact us at:
200-2075 Kennedy Rd 
Toronto, ON   M1T 3V3 

Information Collected from All Visitors

While you are browsing the web site, anonymous information will be gathered in our computer system log files. We use this information to administer our site and learn, for example, which areas of our Site are the most popular and which may be having performance problems.

Collection of Your Personal Information

We will ask you when we need information that personally identifies you (personal information) or allows us to contact you. Personal information collected by TPA will usually be limited to name and e-mail address.

Use of Your Personal Information

We use your personal information for the following purposes:
1) To send information to you that you may have requested, e.g. newsletters, answers to questions
2) To allow you access to limited-entry areas of our site as appropriate.

Control of Your Personal Information

Personal information collected from the website will be stored within secured databases at our hosting provider Whitecap Canada Inc. TPA will not sell, loan, or rent any personal information that we collect to any other organization.
We may disclose personal information about you to other companies or people when:
1) We have your authorization to do so;
2) We respond to court orders or some other legal process.

Access to Your Personal Information

Web site users may access any personal information that we have collected about them by making a request to the email address provided at the beginning of this document. Users can correct discrepancies, update records with new information, or have personal information removed from our database(s) by sending a message to the same email address.

How Can I Verify My Information?

You can check your information to verify, update, or correct it, and to have any obsolete information removed.

Use of Cookies

Some of our web pages utilize “cookies.” A “cookie” is a small text file that may be used, for example, to collect information about web site activity. Popular browsers allow you to control cookies, including whether or not to accept them and how to remove them. Additionally, you can set most browsers to notify you if you receive a cookie, or you can choose to block cookies with your browser.
No user identifiable information is stored in any cookies we use. You may reject or delete the cookie at any time. Information about viewing and/or deleting cookies will typically be included in your browser’s help documentation.

Security of Your Personal Information

TPA is committed to protecting the security of your personal information. To help protect this information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure we use a variety of security technologies and procedures. The personal information you provide is stored in computer servers with limited access that are located in a controlled facility. If we transmit sensitive information over the Internet, we will protect it through the use of encryption (e.g. SSL).

Links to Other Web Sites

Our Web Site may contain links to other web sites or Internet resources. When you click on one of those links you are contacting another web site or Internet resource. TPA has no responsibility or liability for or control over those other web sites or Internet resources or their collection, use and disclosure of your personal information.
We encourage you to read the privacy policies of those other sites to learn how they collect and use information about you.

Updates to This Policy

If we make significant changes to our data handling practices a prominent notice will be posted on our web site and, we will make efforts to notify our active members in other reasonable ways that may include an administrative email or other notice. If the change involves the use of your personally identifiable information, the notice will contain instructions on how you can opt-out of such use. This privacy policy will be governed by the laws of Canada and the Province of Ontario.